Get Ripped Instead Of Ripping Your Pants This Holiday

How to get ripped instead of ripping your pants during the Holiday season.

10 tips to avoid Holiday weight gain and start the New Year’s being fit and healthy!

The winter holidays are quickly approaching and we are all excited for the happiest time of the year. Everyone gathers together to celebrate the season with family, friends, fun, and FOOD. And more FOOD. And all is well… for a while. Until about December 29 or 30th when we start to reflect on our New Year’s resolutions for the upcoming year and discover that fitness/weight Loss goals top the list again this year. We also come to the “not so shocking” revelation that during this special holiday season we have been bestowed more than good tidings of joy, but an additional 5-10 pounds. Sounds familiar? Well, it should! More than half of Americans gain weight between Thanksgiving and New Year’s… and the average amount falls right in this range! Those who weigh in regularly may spot the trend early but most will discover this when clothing fits tighter or you might even rip a pair of pants. Yes… no shame. Ripped pants … we have all been there! Hopefully, you were at home and not at a corporate New Year’s Eve party like my unfortunate derriere, in a pair of Beyonce jeans with rhinestones. They looked so cool with my leather boots. But I knew they were suspect. A little tight is sexy. If you are limited to moving laterally, one inch and one second at a time, then you probably, no you definitely, need to change your pants.  I digress, that was at least 6 years ago ( 80 pounds ago too) and I have almost emotionally recovered. Fewer colleagues bring it up and less often.  Fortunately, you do not have to suffer this year !

So, here is your first gift of the season! My greatest desire for you is to not only avoid ripping your pants and preventing the seemingly inevitable extra holiday pounds but to actually get “ripped” and start off the New Year ahead of the curve, being fit and healthy! Derived from The Beckford Formula, Lose the Fat for Good!

Disclaimer: Family and friends might get envious when they begin to notice your body’s transformation. Don’t worry! Simply invite them to join you.


  1.  Bottoms Up !

Drink water before every meal and snack. Strive for a gallon a day! Yes.  A gallon. Do your best. This is hard for everyone, so setting a lofty goal will push you to probably get in at least half. Carry a water bottle with you at all times. Drinking water eliminates fluid retention aka “bloating” especially around the mid- section.

  1. Eat Your Veggies! ( Mom was right)

Always bring veggie trays to parties. Fill up on veggies first. Make sure they are veggies you like and will eat. You will not be the most popular guest but who cares? You are on a mission! When January rolls around and you are looking fit and toned, it will be all worth it!

     3.   Add Protein to Every Meal or Snack.

Protein,  protein,  protein! Go for seafood first! Chilled shrimp trays are always a great place to start. Lean poultry second! Grilled skinless chicken skewers are nice too! You can always bring a protein tray in addition to the veggie tray! Now, you are back on top!  Vegetarian or Vegan? No worries… edamame, nuts, seeds and hummus platters are delicious for all!

   4.  Small Plates Are Not Just For Tapas !

Use small plates for every meal and appetizer! Not medium! SMALL plates (you were thinking it)

    5. Have a Zero Second Plate Policy!

Never get seconds!  So… that means never ever get thirds!

   6. Get Your Walk On!

Walk after dinner at least 30 minutes. May substitute for any aerobic activity. The Wobble line dance and Blurred Lines routine are just perfect! Yes… Wii Sports and Xbox Kinect works too!

   7. Sweat Before You Eat!

Perform 25 pushups, jumping jacks and/or burpees before every meal. Do them all if you want to really get ripped. These are full body exercises to get your heart racing and your metabolism rev’d up!

   8. Sweat After Dessert!

Perform 25 pushups, jumping jacks and/or burpees after dessert ( Remember small plates).

   9. Drop It Like It’s Hot !

Perform 25 squats a day. Easy peasy.   (Not too low if it hurts your knees). Fit them in when you can! Do them all at once or space them out throughout the day!

   10. The Scale Really Is Your BFF

Weigh in every morning… (Yes, this is very controversial but you need some form of accountability and even though you can have fluctuations due to a variety of factors, it is still a good way to spot a trend and address it.) Write it down and compare notes to see how you are progressing. Adjust the above as needed.


Follow my tips and you will be ripped while enjoying a healthy holiday season! Don’t beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon once or twice. Dust yourself off and get right back up. The key is to be mindful of your eating and get your body moving every day!  Remember, when all else fails, wear a dress! Sorry men!


About Dr. B ( Rita D. Beckford, M.D.)

Co-Author of The Beckford Formula, Lose The Fat For Good! A Weight Loss Manual for families.   and creator/host of Home With Dr. B, A fitness and weight loss DVD for beginners,  Dr. Rita Beckford, M.D. is a highly sought after media commentator, wellness consultant and keynote speaker.  In addition to helping thousands of patients lose weight in the office with only nutrition and exercise, she personally has lost and kept off 80 lbs, making her an unrivaled authority on weight loss. Board Certified in Family Medicine, Dr. Beckford received her Doctorate of Medicine at the Case Western University School of Medicine and has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Northwestern University. Double certified as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, she is a national spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise. As a professional member of the National Speaker’s Association, Dr. Beckford speaks across the country empowering persons everywhere to lead healthier, happier and successful lives.

When Dr. Beckford is not speaking or conducting exercise classes, she can be found traveling with her family, creating healthy dishes in the kitchen, reading inspirational books or relaxing at a spa.

She is ecstatically married to her medical school sweetheart and Harvard graduate Dr. Ian G. Beckford, M.D. co-author of the Beckford Formula, Weight Loss Manual for Families. They have two intelligent and handsome sons, Kenneth Jordan and Kyle Jordan. They reside in the Tampa, Florida area.


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