A Formula ( noun) /for-mye-le (Stedman Medical Dictionary) recipe or prescription giving methods or proportions to achieve a desired result.

whatis foodThe Beckford Formula™, Lose the Fat for Good ™! is an evidence-based approach to weight loss and lifelong weight maintenance.

Drs. Beckford spent years incorporating their experience with thousands of patients in the office, research from world renown thought leaders and peer reviewed articles on obesity management.

It is a lifestyle consisting of habits that are repeated until they become automatic. These traits have been exhibited by successful losers who maintain their weight loss for years.

Thousands of their patients have used it to lose weight and keep it off. The Beckfords used it and have together lost over 100 pounds.

Now, for the first time ever, The Beckford Formula™, Lose the Fat for Good!,™, The manual is available to you! 

Frequently asked questions:

exercisekidsMy kids are overweight too! Can they follow The Beckford Formula™?
The Beckford Formula™ was actually created specifically for busy families. Kids love it and have had great success. Speak to their doctors for any special restrictions for diet and exercise.

Can I follow The Beckford Formula™ if I am on a weight loss program already?

Absolutely! It can be used alone or in concert with a healthy weight loss program. Many of our patients were doing Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig and wanted extra support. 

Can I follow a special diet that I have been using?
Yes, The Beckford Formula™, is an approach to weight loss and maintenance. They have special foods that are recommended which are found in all healthy nutrition plans.

Can I use home DVDs for my exercises?
Drs. Beckford love fitness dvds! In fact, Dr. Rita Beckford starred in one back in the early 2000s.

runnerMy doctor said I can only walk for exercise. Can I still follow The Beckford Formula™?
Of course ! Walking is an excellent form of exercise. Drs. B want you to find activities you enjoy and can maintain for the rest of your life.
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